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The Emergence Of The King

The appearance of the King of kings will not be like the gentle lamb of God who walked the earth in His first coming. The Second Coming will be just as real as His ASCENSION. If we, as God's people, believe in God's word and trust that the disciples witnessed His ascension at Mt. Olivet, then we should also believe that His return will be witnessed by people around the world and in Jerusalem at the appointed time. (Isaiah 40:5) states that all humanity will see Him when He comes in His Glory. The literal return of the Lord Jesus to this world is undeniable, as foretold by the prophets of old. (Matthew 24:26-42) It is important to note that the next event in God's plan and agenda for this world and this generation is the RAPTURE, followed by a period of catastrophic events where men's hearts will fail them. (Luke 21:26) All earthly treasures such as currencies, gold, silver, diamonds, and other valuables will lose their value.

The coming of Jesus Christ, will be preceding the signs which He and The Prophets of old spoke so much about, which is in two phases:

1. The Rapture: The Rapture, which is the personal appearance/coming of the Lord Jesus in the air (not to the earth) to take His saints. The word RAPTURE is taken from the Latin word “ARaptu meaning Caught away or Caught up”. At the appearance of Jesus and the host of Angels together with the Host of Heaven in the cloud, the dead in Christ will immediately rise with a new body which God's word describes as (the celestial body). And almost immediately after that event, the Living and Ready believers will be transfigured & transformed, as they put on a new spiritual (celestial) body which will allow them or give them access to ascend into his Perfect rest. All these events, will happen in a moment, like in a twinkling of an eye. (It is not going to be like a 3hour long Avatar movie or a non ending series) Both the resurrected and transfigured believers will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air (in the atmosphere between earth and heaven) They will be visibly united with Christ and taken to the Father’s (GOD) house in heaven. Once again, I say unto you, The rapture of the saints, which opens the chapter of the end-time events, is the very next agenda in the program of God for this age and generation. This part is very important and crucial and pivotal and we should take note of The World, Word, and So called ‘men of God’ around today. You see, When Jesus Christ was posed with the question as to the time of the destruction of the temple, (Rapture) and the signs of His coming and of the end of the world He began His response with “A” Take heed that no man deceive you because that would be one of the signs of The Rapture, which again is the first phase of His second coming, so it is one of the most significant aspect of the end time events so every true believer or people of God must be careful and taking necessary precautions out there. There are so many signs of the imminence of the rapture or the “Close of the Gentile /People of God age”. But,This is very critical, crucial, and focal to any believer who does not want to be deceived or taken unaware or gamble with his/her eternal well-being and life, seeing that, this very day would overtake men like the deluge of the days of Noah and like a thief in the night. Unfortunately, Humanity and even believers/people of God today, are oblivious of the signs of these days and are letting themselves to be badly swerved and deceived. Thus, the love of many has waxed cold; a lot have departed from the real thing, while many others have completely fallen out of the way. This sign has long been and continues to be fulfilled. It is no news that both in the past and in the present, many have claimed to be Jesus, others have claimed to be the Messiah (the Christ). While some claim to be the Father, others have claimed to be the Holy Spirit, even in this generation. The most subtle and most dangerous is the preponderance of false prophets and teachers in this present day Most people that purport to be Christians today have already been unwittingly deceived by these set of people. They have failed to tell the People and the People of God the wholesome truth, the doctrine according to godliness, holiness, and rightousness. They have and show tendencies to make themselves credible through deceptive and lying wonders. Ironically and unfortunately, that is what the people want. Indeed, anyone who considers the level of deception going on these days, will have no doubt about the fact that the emergence of Jesus is already here with us. More so, The Holy book (Bible) made us understand, that there will be Signs Of Wars and Civil Unrest. This has been there, and continues to increase with every passing day, as the day draws nearer. There is no time you tune in for world news and you will not hear of wars, political unrest or civil strives either within nations or across nations. What do you say of the rate of carnage and blood-bath, particularly in such a country like where we find ourselves. All these have their disorienting and destabilizing effects on those who ought to be conscious of the imminent return of the Lord. But we must know also, that All these happenings, are described as the beginning of sorrows, and climax in the coming of Jesus Christ. The Bible also made us understand that there will be -Famines, Pestilence and Earthquakes-. These signs also, have continued to be fulfilled. And not only that, the intensity and frequency of their occurrence have also continued to increase with each passing day/year. There is a general down-turn in the world economy and an attendant increase in poverty and starvation level. Every year, the percentage of people that die out of starvation all over the world keeps increasing. The level of Pestilence (any fatal infectious disease that spreads through large number of people) all over the world today had been unequalled in the past. Time after time, and more terrible epidemic and pandemics will break out across Nations I can assure you of that. We experienced and heard of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Which claimed many lives all over the world, particularly China. Perhaps, the most deadly of all which is the Human Immune-Deficiency Virus (HIV) and its attendant Acquired Immune- Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) which is currently ravaging lives all over the World. Many believe that this is not only a curse due to sin but also a sign of the last days. The manner, magnitude and frequency of Earthquakes today is such that no One or no Christian can afford to be insensitive to. The Tsunami that swept many Asian countries in Dec. 2004 and the 2011 Tsunami in Japan which are the fall out of earthquake event, are still fresh in our memories. In the recent past, there have been devastating earthquakes in Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkey etc. Let’s talk about Persecutions This began almost immediately Christ left, and has continued through the years. If there is apparent lack of persecution in the life of any Christian/people of God or in your quarters today, that right there, I'll say is a function of compromise, conformity, coldness and abandonment of the great commission. Go to those true believers who take the commanded stand of God against sin, injustice and evil of all kinds, they will tell you their story of persecutions. Sometimes, the persecutions are direct from Satan. And to the most common, rampant and relevant one, The Sign of Abounding Iniquity and Its Effects in this Generation. This is perhaps one of the most critical signs of the imminence of rapture. Evidently, the rate at which evil and impuinity is increasing is unprecedented. Aside from the level of godlessness, immorality and violence in the world at large, what is more heart-throbbing, is perhaps the manner in Sin have ravaged the people of God today. For many church goers and preachers, sexual immorality is no more sin. The vehement and fervid condemnation of sin and warning against the danger of hell fire, are totally absent from many pulpits. What do you say in a situation when Bishops, and so called men of God are champions in the present abominable practice of homosexuality and lesbianism and the LGBTQQIP2SA's. What do you say of Gospel ministers that use curious powers to perform false miracles?

2. THE END OF THE WORLD: The moment everyone has been breeding and breathing on. Many believe the end of the world is near as a result of uprisings between Nations, groups and power houses. Well, God's versions which means the dispensation of Jesus Christ and His restoration program. And, this will end with the second advent, which will birth the ushering in of the new heaven and the new earth. The dispensation of Jesus Christ here, includes His second visible coming to this earth with His saints, at the end of the great tribulation. The second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of this polluted world, and the ushering in of a new one. So, while the defiled world as it is today has an end, the earth and man following the restoration, will last forever. The whole discourse on the signs of Jesus Christ’s second coming and of the end of the world stems from the disciple’s remark on the magnificence of the temple buildings. Please pay rapt attention here. “In AD 70, the temple of Jerusalem was razed down by the Romans and the Jewish nation was put out of existence as the Jews were scattered all over the world. But in 1948, the Jews returned to Palestine from all over the world and Israel as a nation, was reborn. Since then, there has been a constant struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians over the land, particularly in Jerusalem. The issue of Jerusalem and who controls it has dominated world history. David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, spoke for all of Israel and in-fact said without Jerusalem, there is no Israel! When Jerusalem was captured back by the Israelis in 1967, a major pre-requisite for the end time scenario was met (Luke 21:24) Today, Jerusalem is a thriving city in Israel. But what is the significance of this to the second coming of Christ? The temple of Jerusalem will be defiled by the Anti-Christ during the great tribulation as was done by Antiochus who set up an image in the temple in 168 BC. And it is from the same Jerusalem that Christ will rule the whole world during the millennium reign. Although, a Mosque is meanwhile standing in the place of the temple in Jerusalem, soon, the temple (which is currently being constructed by pre-fabrication technology) would be set up, and that will signal the conclusion of all arrangements for the return of Jesus Christ. This may take place immediately before/after the imminent rapture.” While All these events are going on, will be going on, and in the midst of these events, Sin, Immorality, ungodliness, and impunity, will be gravely at work as iniquity is everyday abounding in this Generation. But I have Good news “Praise God” because at the same time we are seeing and living in the midst of these last days, we are witnessing the increase of Gospel mission activities like never before. All over the world, (Romans 5:20) for instance, there was no real gospel activity prior to 1970. But since then, and as the day draws closer, real Gospel work and awareness keep increasing, because the Gospel message must reach all nations (whether individuals accept it or not is not the issue) before Jesus returns. Currently, satellites, channels, and a lot of Mediums are beaming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all parts of the world. Daniel in the book of (Daniel 12:4) made us understand that in these last days, there will be Increase In Travels and Knowledge. Evidently, Daniel pointed us to an increase in travel and knowledge as part of the signs that mark the close of the age. If you take time to examine the rate of travel and increase in knowledge today, we cannot but agree that there is no more time. Men have gone far and beyond the earth to outer space, including the Moon, Mars, and more and more and more, have begun towards the exploration of other planets for feasible signs of life. Considering this kind of knowledge that is being exhibited in the present-day information, computer and telecommunication technology, It is expected of the true believer to read the handwriting on the wall in order not to be deceived because the devils and his agents here on earth are contending for the souls of men, women, youth, and kids in this world their MO in all of these they have brought brought upon men, is to hinder US (You & I) from being saved in the now and stop us from eventual entring into the kingdom of God from where they were cast out. Today, the mystery of Sin is terribly at work and the devils are greatly redoubling their efforts in order to confuse, deceive, discourage, destabilize and get the people to despair, as the day draws close we see The consequence is the massive departure and falling away from the faith. While many are obviously backsliding and some others are getting into apostasy, perhaps the most dangerous aspect of this end-time departure and falling away from the faith is being carried out in a very subtle and deceptive way. Rather than clearly denying the faith and depart, they make the people hold to the letter, the form, while denying the spirit and the power they make them hold the truth in unrighteousness allowing them to stick to the secondary issues of the faith and non-essentials of life, while also, caring less about the primary, the essentials and the things that matter most. They make them hold some truths together with some errors. The devil and his agents here on earth are comfortable with the people going on with such vain religious profession and worship knowing that with that they are already rejected by God, who will not accept anything short of perfection. While they have this program and agenda of theirs being propagated and ongoing, they also divert other resources towards Climate Change. YES I said Climate change. The geographical and geological problems that signal the end-time transcends earthquakes. Scientists inform us that, as a result of the increasing depletion of the Ozone layer (a layer of gas above the earth’s surface that helps to shield the earth from the sun’s harmful rays), most parts of the world are experiencing increasing heat. They posit that because of increased rays of the sun and the attendant increased heat now coming upon the earth, the ice deposits of the north and south poles are disproportionately depleting, thereby gradually removing the earth from its equilibrated tilt of 23.5o (degrees). According to them, this smacks of an imminent holocaust and a doomsday for this world. But as Bible believers and students, we know that all these are predicted pointers to the very close of this age. Therefore, let us not sleep as do others. Let us be woke to these activities and agenda’s of Satan. I want to inform you that God also has plans already set in motion it will be revealed and will be Dawn in due time. I regard this plan and program as the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation is a period when God unleashes His wrath/indignation upon this world. But before this happens, the Lord will have taken His waiting Bride/People of God in the glorious experience of the rapture, for the purpose of the marriage supper and the judgement of reward. In the past, He did so. Before His judgement was released upon the world of Noah, He caused Noah to enter the ark by which he and his house were saved. In the book of ‘Genesis’ He took Lot and his family out before He visited Sodom and Gomorrah with His wrath. Once again, It is very evident that the mystery of iniquity is brutally at work While every other thing is almost fully geared up for the operation of the anti-Christ and his one-world government, ''he'' nonetheless cannot manifest until the people of God are taken away to his Kingdom to reign with him. God’s agenda for this age, is only being delayed by the Church/people of God (and the Holy Spirit’s influence), which is withholding the manifestation of the anti-Christ, But as soon as the Rapture is upon us, and the saints are taken out of the way, God program and plan will be activated. And following this shall be a 7-year period of the outpouring of the wrath of God upon this earth. The great tribulation shall be a period of untold suffering and unprecedented misery and woe, particularly for those believers who failed to make it at the rapture, and who are likely to attempt to refuse the worship, take the mark or number of the beast. They will be persecuted and tortured to the point that many will suffer martyrdom. The 2nd half of the great tribulation will be harrowing and very devastating for Israel, in particular. For at this time, the anti-Christ will unmask himself (as it were), break his covenant with Israel, blaspheme God, and stop all sacrifices/worship to God, he will position himself in the temple of Jerusalem to be worshipped as God. He will then severely persecute all those who attempts or try to remain loyal to God and Jesus Christ. The anti-Christ will have the power to perform great miracles, signs and lying wonders. And NOTE: many, many many, false prophets and teachers will also have the power to perform the same at that time, and even shortly before this great notable Day of God. The Lord Jesus warned against these professed Christian prophets, preacher/teachers, who are false, yet performing miracles, healings, signs/wonders; who appear to have success in their ministries but at the same time show evidence of moral and/or theological apostasy. The People of God are, therefore, admonished to test every spirit like he commanded in (1st John. 4:1) To escape all these, the believer must be resolved to be faithful to Christ and His Word, while being constantly watchful and prayerful. Jesus Christ in Mt. Olivet discourse revealed that this period we find ourselves shall be marked by extreme anxiety, and fear of the future, And Apostle John’s revelation which is an amplification of the Lord’s Olivet discourse reveals the various factors that will cause fear and agony. Viz warfare and blood bath, famine, death, great earthquakes, darkening of the sources of Light, unfathomable asteroidal collisions. And while these are on, more will be yet to come (Revelation 8:13). Before and the end of the World, The word of God also made us understand that there will be Unprecedented demonic activities on the planet more than we have never seen before also, this will be a prominent feature of the tribulation period. These devils shall torture and terrorize men such that victims would prefer to die, but death won’t readily come (Revelations 9:6) They will engineer disasters that will cause sorrow and miserable deaths during a phase of that period. They would influence men to remain stubborn, bitter and impenitent in the midst of their sufferings. Peace of the mind shall be very precious in that period. This demonic season shall be climaxed with the exacerbation of Satan’s earthly activities, having realized that his time is short (Revelation 12:12) Knowing all these will happen, Jesus is asking the People of God “What manner of person or individual ought you to be”? The right-living and heaven conscious believer is not expected to live in fear and trepidation of the present-day events but rather to live with joy and caution. The people of God must ensure that they are always right with God and at Peace with men. The people of God must ensure that their heart is free from the entanglements and pollution of this life, forgiving offenders, and rather not allowing others to defraud them or be a source of scandal to the name of the God. The student at the college should not stain him/herself with the mire of dishonest practices. The employee should ensure that he is not cheating his employer and vice versa. The married should ensure that they have a legitimate and stable relationship, meeting obligations to their spouse. And all in the house of God should be eagerly anticipating in activities towards the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. to be continued...

But, In Conclusion: We are 'actually' living at the terminal part of the People of God age, and the predictions of the scriptures make the daily headlines of the news media. God behooves every shepherd to continually warn the flock of the events that portend great dangers to the heaven-bound pilgrim/people of God. Every believer/people of God living in this period of time is expected to be a Noah in his/her neighborhood preaching by precept and practice, and, publicly identifying with the God’s project Knowing that The millennial era which is the physical manifestation of God, kingdom on earth shall be characterized by the following (i) Peace and prosperity (ii) Holiness (iii) Justice (iv) Fullness of knowledge (v) Removal of aggressive or hurtful animal instincts (vi) Removal of sickness (vii) Healing of the physically disadvantaged (viii) Longevity and safety ix) Manifestation of divine glory (x) Comfort.

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